CE Pathways & Credentials of Value

Awarding Academic Credit from Continuing Education Units to Career & Technical Courses Purpose: 

To provide an entry for students wishing to transition from the continuing education portion of their education to the academic credit continuation of their education, students may request a conversion of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to college credit for a specific career and technical courses.

Articulated Continuing Education Courses

Articulated Continuing Education courses consist of learning experiences comparable to a credit course. In addition to completing the CE course(s), students may be required to provide industry certification. An articulation agreement to award credit must be in effect during the semester a student completes the CE course to receive credit. See below for a complete list of agreements to articulate CEUs to semester credit hours (SCH).

Transportation, Storage, & Distribution Managers

CE Program/Course(s)

Academic Level I Cert/Course(s)

Supply Chain Technician (DIS CE) Logistics Management (PAC)
LMGT 1019 - Introduction to Logistics LMGT 1319 - Introduction to Business Logistics
LMGT 1025 - Warehouse & Distribution Center Management LMGT 1325 - Warehouse & Distribution Center Management
LMGT 1023 - Transportation Management LMGT 1323 - Domestic & International Transportation Management
144 contact hours

CE Program/Course(s)

Academic Level I Cert/Course(s)

Phlebotomy Technician (DIS CE) Healthcare Technician: Phlebotomy (SPC)
PLAB 1023 - Phlebotomy Technician PLAB 1223 - Phlebotomy
64 contact hours
Community Health Workers

CE Program/Course(s)

Academic Level I Cert/Course(s)

Community Health Worker Certificate (DIS CE) Community Health Worker (NVC) 
CHLT 1001 - Introduction to Community Health CHLT 1301 - Introduction to Community Health
CHLT 1040 - Community Health Advocacy CHLT 1340 - Community Health Advocacy
CHLT 1005 - Community Nutrition  
CHLT 1042 - Community Health Field Methods  
CHLT 1002 - Wellness & Health Promotion  
CHLT 2060 - Clinical - Community Health Services  
96 contact hours
Construction Trades Workers
CE Program/Course(s)
Academic Level I Cert/Course(s)
Intro to Construction Trades (DIS CE) Construction Technology (SPC)
OSHT 1005 - OSHA 30 Regulations OSHT 1305 - OSHA Regulations
CNBT 1001 - NCCER Core Curriculum  
CNBT 1011 - Construction Materials & Methods I  
CNBT 1000 - Residential & Light Commercial Construction Drawings  
48 contact hours
Solar Photovoltaic Installers

CE Program/Course(s)

Academic Level I Cert/Course(s)

Solar Ready Technician (DIS CE) Power Generation and Alternative Energy (SPC)
ELMT 1002 - Solar Ready Part I ELMT 1302 - Solar Photovoltaic Systems
ELMT 1002 - Solar Ready Part II  
CNBT 1005 - OSHA 30 Regulations  
100 contact hours
Financial Clerks

CE Program/Course(s)

Academic Level I Cert/Course(s)

Financial Service Representative (DIS CE) Banking and Financial Services (SAC)
BNKG 1003 - Principles of Bank Operations BNKG 1303 - Principles of Bank Operations
BNKG 1005 - Teller Training  
BNKG 1091 - Teller Cert Review  
48 contact hours
Human Resources Specialists

CE Program/Course(s)

Academic Level I Cert/Course(s)

Human Resource Associate Specialist (DIS CE) Human Resources Management (SAC)
HRPO 1008 - Emerging Issues in HR HRPO 2301 - Human Resources Management
HRPO 1003 - HR Training & Development  
HRPO 1004 - Employee Labor Relations  
HRPO 1007 - Employee Compliance for HR MGT  
HRPO 1000 - Employment Practices & Processes  
HRPO 1091 - Total Rewards  
HRPO 2030 - Certification Test Prep  
112 contact hours
Medical Secretaries and Administrative Assistants

CE Program/Course(s)

Academic Level I Cert/Course(s)

Administrative Specialist (DIS CE) Administrative Systems Specialist I (PAC)
POFT 1009 - Administrative Office Procedures I POFT 1309 - Administrative Office Procedures
ITSC 1009 - Integrated Software Applications  
BMGT 2005 - SCRUM Master Certified  
48 contact hours
Pharmacy Technicians

CE Program/Course(s)

Academic Level I Cert/Course(s)

Pharmacy Technician (DIS CE) Pharmacy Technology ASHP Professional (NVC)
PHRA 1001 - Introduction to Pharmacy PHRA 1209 - Pharmaceutical Mathematics I
PHRA 1009 - Pharmaceutical Mathematics I PHRA 1441 - Pharmacy Drug Therapy and Treatment
PHRA 1047 - Pharmaceutical Mathematics II  
PHRA 1041 - Pharmacy Drug & Therapy Treatment  
PHRA 1091 - Community Pharmacy & Practice  
PHRA 1002 - Ethics & Texas Pharmacy Law  
PHRA 1091 - IV Admix & Sterile Compound  
PHRA 1043 - Certification review  
124 contact hours
Automated Industrial Process Instrumentation

CE Program/Course(s)

Academic Level I Cert/Course(s)

Electronics/ Mechatronics (DIS CE) Mechatronics Mechanic (SPC)
CETT 1009 - Fundamentals DC/AC Circuits CETT 1409 - DC/AC Circuits
CETT 1029 - Solid State Devices CETT 1429 - Solid State Devices 8 SCH
192 contact hours
CE Program/Course(s)
Academic Level I Cert/Course(s)
Electronics/ Mechatronics (DIS CE) Automated Industrial Process Instrumentation (SPC)
CETT 1009 - Fundamentals DC/AC Circuits CETT 1409 - DC/AC Circuits
CETT 1029 - Solid State Devices CETT 1429 - Solid State Devices
CETT 1025 - Digital Fundamentals CETT 1325 - Digital Fundamentals
288 contact hours
11 SCH

Student Procedure:

Review the crosswalk of courses that have been approved by the Continuing Education Division, Academic Program Chair, Dean for Academic Success, and Vice President for Academic Success.

  • Student enrolls in the Career & Technical Education Academic Program for one semester.
  • Student visits Academic Chair for Academic advisement for credit acquisition. Students are responsible for requesting credit and providing their CE transcript.
  • Up to the 45-hour maximum may be awarded once the student has earned six (6) college semester credit hours at the respective college.
  • Conversions of CEUs to academic credit must be requested within three (3) years of completing the continuing education course. Grades will be posted as CR and not included in the GPA. Credit by non-traditional means may not be awarded once a grade has been earned in the same course, excluding I and W. For the purpose of articulating Continuing Education (CE) to Academic credit, the CE grading system is aligned with present-year academic standards.
  • At the beginning of the student’s second semester, the Academic Advisor completes a course substitution form and processes the form for signatures.
  • No assessment of charges for posting the approved courses on the student’s transcript.


Are you ready to speak to an academic advisor?

Academic Advising 

Would you like to learn more about CE2Credit?

Contact Us



What is a Continuing Education (CE) non-credit program?

Accordingly, with the Guidelines for Instructional Programs in Workforce Education, a Continuing Education (CE) certificate program consists of workforce knowledge and skills identified in the same manner as those in credit programs. All CE certificate programs must be listed in the college’s approved inventory of programs and must be transcripted.

What is CE-2-Credit?

The colleges in the Alamo Colleges District provide students the opportunity to receive equivalent college semester credit hours earned through Advanced Placement and non-traditional means; CE-2-Credit is offered by the Continuing Education Division. The colleges in the Alamo Colleges District, with appropriate departmental guidelines, reserve the right to determine the acceptable transfer credit to a maximum of forty-five (45) semester credit hours once the student has earned six (6) college semester credit hours at any of the colleges in the Alamo Colleges District.

Is a CE course the same as an Academic course?

Competencies for the continuing education courses meet those required of courses in the course inventory under the direction of the college’s Dean for Academic Success and approval by the Academic Vice President. The qualifications of the CE Instructors also meet the prescribed Academic standards.

What is my first step in pursuing CE to academic credit?
  • Successfully complete CE to Credit eligible course(s)
  • Be enrolled in an Alamo Colleges academic program that is aligned with the Continuing Education credit being requested.
  • Have completed at least 6 semester credit hours within the elected program


How can I verify if an articulation agreement is active?

Contact the CE Instruction and Curriculum Development team at dst-AlamoICD@lyhymh.net

How do I access my CE transcript?

Students who completed any Continuing Education courses are able to access their student ACES account and view/print/request an official Alamo Colleges CE Transcript. Steps to request a transcript are found here http://j1wc.lyhymh.net/experience-the-alamo-colleges/current-students/transcripts-and-records/

Will the grades earned in CE impact my Academic GPA?

Grades will be posted as CR and not included in the GPA. Credit by non-traditional means may not be awarded once a grade has been earned in the same course, excluding I and W. For the purpose of articulating Continuing Education (CE) to Academic credit, the CE grading system is aligned with present year academic standards.

Is there a charge for the conversion of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to Academic credit?

There is no assessment of charges to the student for posting the approved courses on the student’s transcript.

Who do I contact to discuss my eligibility?

Students are encouraged to consult with an academic counselor/assigned certified advisor about pursuing or enrolling in a two-year degree program, planning to transfer to another institution of higher education, or simply taking a few selected courses. In addition to course and degree requirements, policies and procedures are subject to change. Students are encouraged to stay informed of any changes that may affect them by meeting with an academic counselor/assigned certified advisor regularly. Alamo College advising centers will help you find the classes for your schedule and degree plan. http://j1wc.lyhymh.net/academics/academic-resources/advising/

How do I enroll into an Academic program?

To view the Alamo Colleges District enrollment process and download a printer friendly “Step by Step” Checklist, please refer to the AlamoENROLL website and choose your enrollment classification.

  • First Time in College Students
  • Former Students
  • Transfer Students

Additional information and resources, including college success information, financing your future, application assistance, computer lab locations and hours, technical support and web browser information, are also available.